CJ Column


Web conferencing hints

This is loosely based on a Japanese article from the CJ Column.


Do you enjoy web conferencing?
To be honest, I find it tiring.


There are various reasons why I feel this way.
I see other people on the screen, but don’t feel we are together.
I have to concentrate so I don’t miss visual and audio cues.
And there’s a time lag that breaks the rhythm of conversation.


Web conferencing easily exchanges information, but not emotions.
It’s easy to interact with people you already formed relationships with.
But it’s hard to deepen relations with people you hardly know via web conferencing.


Unfortunately, the web conferencing trend is probably irreversible.
So we better learn how to deal with it.
Here are some useful tips I found online.


Your voice is the most important thing in web conferencing.
So make sure your audio connection is working well in advance.
You should also pay attention to your own voice.


Be cheerful and energetic

“Yes. Yes!”
“I understand.”

Since emotions and atmosphere are not easily conveyed in web conferencing,
it helps to be cheerful and energetic to create a good impression and build trust.


Interject positive words and phrases

If the cameras are off, the speaker can’t see you nodding or smiling. But you can say words and phrases while the person talks to demonstrate your feelings.


If you don't understand, ask on the spot

I think this one is important.
When the web conference ends, the screen goes blank and you can’t ask questions.
So it's a good idea to write down questions during the meeting or ask immediately.


I hope these hints help you reduce web conferencing stress.






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